Australian Bush Flower Essences

The Australian flora is unique in the world. Australia has some of the world’s oldest and highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. These plants have adapted to the arid areas in which they grow. A multitude of flowers can be found all year round in the Australian bush, no matter the season.

Ian White, the founder, is a fifth-generation Australian herbalist and has been practising naturopathy and homeopathy for over twenty years. Today, the Australian Bush Flower Essences have distributors in more than 30 countries all over the planet.

The main purpose of these essences is to help people get in touch with their own intuitive centre, which knows their life’s purpose.

After many years of using the Bush essences with clients, I completed the learning programme and graduated as an Advanced Australian Bush Flower Essences Practitioner in 2015.

I am a pioneer in applying them to the business world.

Images supplied courtesy of Australian Bush Flower Essences, all rights reserved.

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